Land at Churchway, Haddenham

“We are a sustainable house builder with a difference. We build homes that are better than net zero and create climate positive places.”
Greencore recently acquired the development site at Land at Churchway, Haddenham.
We bought the site shortly after an Outline planning consent was granted at Appeal (August 2024) which gives permission for the development of up to 89 dwellings, open space, landscaping, drainage features and associated infrastructure.
As new custodians for the site, Greencore are planning the design of 89 better than net zero homes and new climate positive place for Haddenham. To find out more about Greencore Homes and our modern methods of construction, click here.
We are now working with architect, HTA Design LLP, as design partner on the project to develop a masterplan for the site. A wider team of consultant experts are also working with us so that our planning proposals give full consideration to local ecology, landscape design, arboriculture, energy efficiency and renewable energy, sustainability, modes of travel and transport, flood risk and sustainable urban drainage solutions – all key design issues in the design of a truly sustainable development.
Greencore are currently in the early stages of design and engaging widely with members of the local community, key stakeholders and the local planning authority on the development of our proposals.
For more information about us, please visit
What’s next?
On Monday 10th February we held a well-attended Public Engagement Workshop at Haddenham Village Hall to discuss with people living in Haddenham their views on our future housing project at Land at Churchway. Thank you to everyone who joined us.
We are now collating the feedback from that day and will be considering this as we design the masterplan and develop our proposals.
We plan to carry out another consultation in a few months’ time and will publicise details here on this web page.
If, in the meantime, you have questions or would like to know more about our proposals, please either call us on 01865 965 048 or email:
We hope you can join us.
Aerial view of the whole site